The Strongest Steel - Scarlett Cole

Harper has been living a life far removed from her past. After a boyfriend several marked her up she keep herself covered up and avoided interactions with others outside of work.


Trent has a successful life as a tattoo artist at his Second Circle tattoo shop. After being left broken hearted he gave up on finding anything permanent with another.


Harper never considered ever getting a tattoo before. Seeing the Second Circle and the incredibly talented, and handsome, Trent she being wandering what it would be like to be able to move forward and cover the scars that have been plaguing her everyday.


When closing for the day Trent heard a voice asking about being tattooed he never would of thought he'd see the covered up woman he'd seen earlier in the day. Seeing how skittish she was he moved slowly while getting an idea of what she wanted.


After Harper showed Trent the horrible scarring on her back he knew he would help her cover the old, crushing memories with stronger ones. With each passing day Trent sees a stronger Harper and his feelings for her morphed into wanting more than just the times it took to ink her back.


With the threat of the past hanging over their heads Harper struggles with her feelings for Trent. When her ex reappears in her life Harper realizes that the once terrified part of her was stronger and thanks to Trent helping her get help is now able to fight back.


This story will take you through a painful past to a joyful awakening. The Strongest of Steel is Forged in the Hottest of Fire. You'll laugh, cry, yell, hate and love. Trent will fast become your Book Boyfriend and Harper your younger sister.